If you are building a custom home for the first time, you may not understand the importance of a topographical survey and map of the land you are purchasing. Learn why they are a crucial part of the building process, and discover how you can obtain a map for your property.
What is Topography?
Topography is the study of geographical forms and features on a landscape. This area of study can be translated into topographical maps, which are visual representations of these geographical forms and features. You can think of them as a way to translate the three-dimensional landscape of the earth onto the two-dimensional surface of a map. Topographical maps used contour lines to mark points of equal elevation. They typically include a mix colors and shading to depict changes in elevation and in the shape of the terrain being shown.
Topographical Maps for Custom Home Building
Many prospective home builders may not understand why they need to consult a topographical map before beginning their project. They can be incredibly helpful for a number of reasons. Professionals frequently conduct a topographical survey in a situation where a plot of land is being assessed for new construction such as a home.
Conducting a topographical survey is a vital step in choosing an appropriate lot for your custom home. It will give you a picture of what the land currently looks like, including the presence of trees and the boundaries of the property. It will also allow you to see what kind of work may need to be done to facilitate safe construction. Many buyers assume they should always choose the flattest land possible, but slopes can often be worked into your design plans in creative and functional ways.
Obtaining a Topographical Map of Your Property
Now you understand why topographical maps are important for anyone building a custom home. But how do you go about obtaining one? A topographical map is usually found on the plat map for a property, and they are usually given to a buyer when that person purchases a vacant plot of land. Additionally, you should be able to get a copy from the local county recorder.
Building a custom home from the ground up is one of the most important investments you will ever make for yourself and your family. A topographical survey is one of the first steps in ensuring you get the highest quality and most longevity out of that investment. Next on the list is partnering with a construction firm you can trust that specializes as a luxury custom home builder in the Greenville area. At Ridgeline Construction Group, our professionals deliver on our commitment to quality work for every client. Reach out to Ridgeline Construction Group to start turning your vision into a reality.